Continuation of limit cycles of the van der Pol oscillator

Continuation of limit cycles of the van der Pol oscillator

using Bifurcations
using Bifurcations: LimitCycleProblem
using Bifurcations.Examples.DuffingVanDerPol

using Plots
using OrdinaryDiffEq: Tsit5, remake

Create an ODEProblem and solve it:

ode = remake(
    p = DuffingVanDerPol.DuffingVanDerPolParam(
        d = 0.1,
    u0 = [1.0, 1.8],
    tspan = (0.0, 90),
sol = solve(ode, Tsit5())

plt_ode = plot(sol, vars=1, tspan=(70, 90))

Let's find a point (approximately) on the limit cycle and its period:

using Roots: find_zero
t0 = find_zero((t) -> sol(t)[1] - 1, (80, 83))
t1 = find_zero((t) -> sol(t)[1] - 1, (t0 + 3, t0 + 7))
x0 = sol(t0)
@assert all(isapprox.(x0, sol(t1); rtol=1e-2))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

Then a LimitCycleProblem can be constructed from the ode.

num_mesh = 50
degree = 5
t_domain = (0.01, 4.0)  # so that it works with this `num_mesh` / `degree`
prob = LimitCycleProblem(
    ode, DuffingVanDerPol.param_axis, t_domain,
    num_mesh, degree;
    x0 = x0,
    l0 = t1 - t0,
    de_args = [Tsit5()],

As the limit cycle is only approximately specified, solver option start_from_nearest_root = true must be passed to start continuation:

solver = init(
    start_from_nearest_root = true,
    max_branches = 0,
@time solve!(solver)
BifurcationSolver <Continuous>
# sweeps             : 2
# points             : 35
# branches           : 1
# saddle_node        : 1

By default, plot_state_space plots limit cycles colored by its period:

plt_lc = plot_state_space(solver)