Modified Morris-Lecar model
Modified Morris-Lecar model from Dhooge, Govaerts, Kuznetsov (2003):
- Dhooge, Govaerts, Kuznetsov (2003). Numerical Continuation of Fold Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in MATCONT
using Bifurcations
using Bifurcations: special_intervals
using Bifurcations.Codim1
using Bifurcations.Codim2
using Bifurcations.Codim2LimitCycle: FoldLimitCycleProblem
using Bifurcations.Examples: MorrisLecar
using Setfield: @lens
using Plots
Solve continuation of the equilibrium point:
solver = init(
start_from_nearest_root = true,
max_branches = 0,
nominal_angle_rad = 2π * (5 / 360),
@time solve!(solver)
Codim1Solver <Continuous>
# sweeps : 2
# points : 41
# branches : 0
# saddle_node : 2
# hopf : 1
Plot equilibriums in $(u_1, y)$-space:
plt1 = plot(solver)
Start continuation of Hopf bifurcation
hopf_point, = special_intervals(solver, Codim1.PointTypes.hopf)
1-element Array{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.SpecialPointInterval{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.Continuous,Bifurcations.Codim1.PointTypes.PointType,StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{2,3},Float64,2,6}},1}:
SpecialPointInterval <Continuous hopf>
happened between:
u0 = [0.0407794, 0.306436, 0.0883504]
u1 = [0.0314239, 0.279715, 0.0601626]
Solve continuation of the Hopf point:
codim2_prob = BifurcationProblem(
(@lens _.z),
(-1.0, 1.0),
hopf_solver1 = init(
nominal_angle_rad = 0.01,
@time solve!(hopf_solver1)
Codim2Solver <Continuous>
# sweeps : 2
# points : 55
# branches : 0
# bautin : 1
Start continuation of fold bifurcation of limit cycle at Bautin bifurcation
bautin_point, = special_intervals(hopf_solver1, Codim2.PointTypes.bautin)
1-element Array{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.SpecialPointInterval{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.Continuous,Bifurcations.Codim2.PointTypes.PointType,StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{9},Float64,1,9},StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{8,9},Float64,2,72}},1}:
SpecialPointInterval <Continuous bautin>
happened between:
u0 = [0.0298965, 0.350792, 0.367924, 0.382807, 0.82458, -0.195343, 2.0067, 0.165926, 0.0745246]
u1 = [0.0295841, 0.35324, 0.367212, 0.382471, 0.824988, -0.19562, 2.01059, 0.169869, 0.0734342]
Construct a problem for fold bifurcation of the limit cycle starting at bautin_point
flc_prob = FoldLimitCycleProblem(
period_bound = (0.0, 14.0), # see below
num_mesh = 120,
degree = 4,
flc_solver = init(
start_from_nearest_root = true,
max_branches = 0,
bidirectional_first_sweep = false,
nominal_angle_rad = 2π * (5 / 360),
max_samples = 500,
@time solve!(flc_solver)
BifurcationSolver <Continuous>
# sweeps : 1
# points : 46
# branches : 0
Plot the limit cycles at fold bifurcation boundaries:
plt_state_space = plot_state_space(flc_solver)
The continuation was configured to stop just before the period is about to diverge. Note that stopping at larger period requires larger mesh size.
plt_periods = plot(flc_solver, (x=:p1, y=:period))
Start continuation of Saddle-Node bifurcation
sn_point, = special_intervals(solver, Codim1.PointTypes.saddle_node)
2-element Array{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.SpecialPointInterval{Bifurcations.BifurcationsBase.Continuous,Bifurcations.Codim1.PointTypes.PointType,StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3},StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{2,3},Float64,2,6}},1}:
SpecialPointInterval <Continuous saddle_node>
happened between:
u0 = [-0.0311873, 0.140701, -0.0206357]
u1 = [-0.0373, 0.130813, -0.0205553]
SpecialPointInterval <Continuous saddle_node>
happened between:
u0 = [-0.23318, 0.00999542, 0.0828906]
u1 = [-0.247815, 0.00818325, 0.0832351]
Going back to the original continuation of the equilibrium, let's start continuation of one of the saddle-node bifurcation:
sn_prob = BifurcationProblem(
(@lens _.z),
(-1.0, 1.0),
sn_solver = init(
nominal_angle_rad = 0.01,
max_samples = 1000,
start_from_nearest_root = true,
@time solve!(sn_solver)
Codim2Solver <Continuous>
# sweeps : 2
# points : 385
# branches : 0
# cusp : 1
# bogdanov_takens : 1
Switching to continuation of Hopf bifurcation at Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation
hopf_prob2 = BifurcationProblem(
special_intervals(sn_solver, Codim2.PointTypes.bogdanov_takens)[1],
hopf_solver2 = init(hopf_prob2)
@time solve!(hopf_solver2)
Codim2Solver <Continuous>
# sweeps : 2
# points : 11
# branches : 0
# bogdanov_takens : 1
Phase diagram
plt2 = plot()
for s in [hopf_solver1, flc_solver, sn_solver, hopf_solver2]
plot!(plt2, s)
plot!(plt2, ylim=(0.03, 0.15), xlim=(-0.05, 0.2))