Utility functions

railgun.relpath(relative_path, __file__)

Get relative path.

Let you have source tree like this:

+- your_module.py
`- ext/
   +- build/
   |  `- your_clib.so
   +- src/
   |  `- your_clib.c
   `- Makefile

To load your_clib.so from your_module.py, you can use relpath() in your class definition in your_module.py like this:

_clibname_ = 'your_clib.so'
_clibdir_ = relpath('ext/build', __file__)

Note that __file__ is a special attribute of python module which is the pathname of the file from which the module was loaded.

railgun.cmems(cdt, *args)

Generate SimObject._cmembers_ for same C Data Type (CDT) easily


>>> cmems('int', 'a', 'b', 'c')
['int a', 'int b', 'int c']
>>> cmems('int', 'a, b, c')
['int a', 'int b', 'int c']
>>> cmems('int', 'a[i]', 'b[i][j]') + cmems('double', 'x[i]', 'y[i][j]')
['int a[i]', 'int b[i][j]', 'double x[i]', 'double y[i][j]']

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