RailGun Tutorial

How to write C program for RailGun

RailGun requires the following constraints in C library to be loaded.

Constraints on data structure (C’s struct)

This is an example of a struct:

typedef struct linearode_{
  int num_d, num_s;
  double dt;
  double **a;
  double **x;
} LinearODE;

Here, variable named as num_d has special meaning in RailGun. This is the size of array along index d.

You can have temporary variables in your C code, but if you want to get or set C variable from python, you must add that variable to the struct.

Constraints on C functions

If you want to use some functions from python, the function must take a pointer of the struct as its first argument, like this:

int NameOfStruct_name_of_function(NameOfStruct *self, ...)

If this function returns non-zero value, RailGun raises an error.

Here is an example:

int LinearODE_run(LinearODE *self, int s_end)
  int s, d1, d2;
  for (s = 1; s < s_end; ++s){
    for (d1 = 0; d1 < self->num_d; ++d1){
      self->x[s][d1] = self->x[s-1][d1];
      for (d2 = 0; d2 < self->num_d; ++d2){
        self->x[s][d1] += self->dt * self->a[d1][d2] * self->x[s-1][d2];
  return 0;


You don’t need to check if s_end above is in the range of [1, self->num_s]. We will see how you can leave it to RailGun.

How to use your C functions from python

All you need to import from RailGun is these two:

from railgun import SimObject, relpath

To load your c function above, all you need to do is define a class which inherits railgun.SimObject:

class LinearODE(SimObject):
    _clibname_ = 'liblode.so'
    _clibdir_ = relpath('.', __file__)
    _cmembers_ = [
        'num_s = 10000'
        'double dt = 0.001',
        'double a[d][d]',
        'double x[s][d]',
    _cfuncs_ = ["x run(int s_end=num_s)"]
Name of the class
should be same as name of the C struct.
_clibname_: a string
Name of your C shared library.
_clibdir_: a string
Path of the directory where your C library are. If you want to specify relative path from where this python module file are, you can use relpath('relative/path', __file__).
_cmembers_: a list of string
This is the definitions of your C variables. The order must be the same as in the C struct. For the member named num_* you can omit int. You can set the default value as double dt = 0.001. Indices of C array have meaning. Size of the first axis of x[s][d] is num_s, and the second is num_d.
_cfuncs_: a list of string

This is the definitions of your C functions which take the form ret func_name(arg, ...) where

  • ret is the returned value of the function which is a name of C struct member. You can leave it empty.
  • func_name is the name of the C function(s). You don’t need to write the name of the struct. The name of the struct will be automatically added. You can specify several functions using special notations.
  • arg is the definition of the arguments for the C function. This is essentially same as function declaration of C, but with special features. One of the feature is default value. You can specify default value like python: int s_end=num_s or int s_start=0.

Loading several C functions at once: func_{key|c1,c2}-notation (choices)

If you have several C functions of same type such as:

int NameOfStruct_func_method1(NameOfStruct *self, int a, int b)
int NameOfStruct_func_method2(NameOfStruct *self, int a, int b)
int NameOfStruct_func_method3(NameOfStruct *self, int a, int b)

You can load all these functions like this:

'func_{meth | method1, method2, method3}(int a, int b)'

Generated python function will be like this:

NameOfStruct.func(a, b, meth='method1')

as you see, you can specify “method” by option of the python function. The func_{key|c1,c2}-notation is called “choice set”.

Automatically check argument consistency

You can use name of the index as a type of argument like this:

"run(s end)"

so that end is always in the range [0, num_s).

If end is an “upper bound” of the index, you want it to be in the range (0, num_s]. You can specify this with < like this:

"run(s< end)"

Using generated python class

An instance of the simulation class can be created like any other Python classes. Note that num_* arguments are required:

lode = LinearODE(num_d=2)

If you specified the default values for num_*, you can make an instance without passing its value.

Once you create an instance, you can change C variables in various ways:

lode.a = [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]
lode.x[0] = [1, 0]

Note that lode.setv(a_0_0=-0.5) and lode.a[0,0] = -0.5 are the same.

Calling function is easy. Number of arguments are the number of arguments of C function puls number of the “choice set”. The first arguments are used for C function and then the last arguments are used for “choice set”. You can also use keyword-style arguments:
